pornographer Alex Ladd continues to attempt to diminish the severity of the Coronavirus Pandemic: “People are going to f*ck, there is no law against that”

pornographer Alex Ladd continues to attempt to diminish the severity of the Coronavirus Pandemic: “People are going to f*ck, there is no law against that”

April 7, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: It seemed for a while there that Alex Ladd was coming to his senses about how serious the Coronavirus Pandemic is and how important it is for adult performers to follow Free Speech Coalition CEO Michelle LeBlanc’s instructions for performers to only produce SOLO content or content with a person within their own household…

Unfortunately however, it seems that the influential Alex Ladd is back up to NO GOOD. He appears to be stating that it’s OK for pornstars to get together with people OUTSIDE of their household to create adult content.

Alex Ladd is even going as far as to attempt to draw a parallel between the situation of him meeting with his own child – to a pornstar potentially exposing themselves to DISEASE (COVID-19) by having sex in the midst of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Ladd continually states that the Coronavirus is not an STD, when, in fact, THE CORONAVIRUS  IS A HIGHLY SEXUALLY TRANSMITTABLE DISEASE!

Could it be that Alex’s irresponsible attitude of ignoring the quarantine rules reflect the attitude of the illegal pimps on the fringes of the industry? Think about it…it’s possible that pimps and escort agencies could be receiving a high volume of calls from lonely Johns seeking pornstar prostitutes, but the prostitutes and escorts (who are also pornstars) may be afraid to go out on the calls (and rightfully so) due to the Coronavirus pandemic…

Could it be that Alex Ladd is trying to diminish the severity of the pandemic to make pornstars who escort believe it’s safe to meet Johns? Alex isn’t the only one trying to downplay the Coronavirus – pimpin’ Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL appears to be pulling the SAME SHIT.