According to TheFederalist.com “Like the coronavirus, pornography use is silent but deadly, a powerful disease that has had devastating effects across our society.”
April 8, 2020The Wuhan coronavirus epidemic has turned the lives of most Americans completely upside down. As social distancing practices have been adopted nationwide, many have found themselves isolated from everyday human interaction, suddenly cut off from extended family and friends, and — if they’re lucky enough still to be employed — forced to work from home. In addition to creating a public health crisis, the virus has exacerbated a pre-existing problem of loneliness and anxiety that has been plaguing many Americans, especially young men, for years.
One industry in particular is taking full advantage of the crisis. The virus has provided an unprecedented opportunity for Big Porn to capitalize on our social isolation.
Last week, for example, one of the web’s most popular porn sites, Pornhub, moved to make all its premium content free for users in Italy, which had just gone under lockdown. This week, it extended the offer to France and Spain.
Here in the United States, although porn sets may soon be shutting down out of infection concerns, online sex performers are reporting booming business. Perhaps most disturbingly, Vice News reported earlier this month on a surge of coronavirus-themed porn on sites such as Pornhub and xHamster, proving a well-known internet maxim that there is nothing — absolutely nothing — pornographers won’t sexualize if it might make them a profit.
During a worldwide pandemic that has already taken thousands of lives, concerns about a rise in porn usage may seem trivial. However, to brush these concerns aside would be a huge mistake.
Like the coronavirus, pornography use is silent but deadly, a powerful disease that has had devastating effects across our society. Although coronavirus may attract more headlines today, pornography will be with us for the long haul. Porn cannot be vaccinated against, it has a nearly $100 billion industry devoted to its spread worldwide, and few are brave enough to stand against it.