Oh the HYPOCRISY! The mentally ill sociopath known as “Miss Kelli” (who’s been on The Luxury Companion’s payroll for years) decides to take a stand against @WayneSiren “F*ck a Fan” themed adult content

Oh the HYPOCRISY! The mentally ill sociopath known as “Miss Kelli” (who’s been on The Luxury Companion’s payroll for years) decides to take a stand against @WayneSiren “F*ck a Fan” themed adult content

April 8, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary: Our team has been laughing all morning over this one… Never forget, the mentally ill sociopath known as “Miss Kelli” was on the payroll of the prostitution ring (that was just busted) known as The Luxury Companion for YEARS… This isn’t a situation of “Miss Kelli” trying to warn a pornographer about legalities – this is a situation of “Miss Kelli” likely wanting a cut of this pornographer’s profits…

Someone with COVID-19 sneeze on this sex trafficking enabling parasite sooner rather than later.