Could Zero Tolerance sets become ground zero for Coronavirus transmission in the pornography industry simply due to  Mike Quasar’s girlfriend Scarlet Sade (who has a high COVID-19 risk job in healthcare)?

Could Zero Tolerance sets become ground zero for Coronavirus transmission in the pornography industry simply due to Mike Quasar’s girlfriend Scarlet Sade (who has a high COVID-19 risk job in healthcare)?

April 12, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Few in the industry have complained about the American adult industry production halt more than the white privilege enabled Canadian pornographer known as Mike Quasar. The well known alcoholic adult industry veteran has complained to such an extent that he’s become the subject of stand-up comedy routines

However, the irony of Mike Quasar’s constant complaining, is that in actuality, it is HIS adult content production sets that could quite easily become ground zero for Coronavirus transmission within the talent pool – simply due to his girlfriend…a woman known as Scarlet Sade.

Scarlet isn’t only an adult performer and the current production manager for Zero Tolerance entertainment. She also works 3 to 4 days a week in the healthcare field performing a job that exposes her to up to 25 potential COVID-19 carriers per day (as she’s publicly made known on social media).

If Scarlet unknowingly contracts the Coronavirus from her job in the healthcare industry, she could easily transmit it directly to the talent pool herself OR indirectly through Mike Quasar (should the the FSC voluntary production hold be lifted OR if Quasar becomes desperate for money and elects not to abide by the voluntary production hold all together).

Should Mike Quasar and Zero Tolerance face additional quarantine time outside of what’s already been mandated by the Free Speech Coalition? Considering his situation with Scarlet Sade – the answer is YES.

Remember, performers (and people in general) of Color (those of African American and Latin decent) have been deemed as a demographic of individuals who are at higher risk of dying from the Coronavirus than their Caucasion counterparts – which is why it’s important that Caucasian Americans (such as Mike Quasar and Scarlet Sade) be respectful and take every imaginable precaution not to expose their peers of Color to the deadly Covid-19 situation.

The reality is, an act as simple as the refusal to wear a face mask in public is essentially passive aggressive racism against People of Color.

Please Mike Quasar – help your peers of Color in the industry survive the Coronavirus pandemic and start respectfully wearing a mask in public at all times.

Also consider asking your girlfriend to make a choice between the high risk Coronavirus exposure healthcare field and the porn industry so that the talent pool she comes into contact with doesn’t face severe anxiety revolving around the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you.