Talent Testing Services will add COVID-19 testing to the talent panel – but will lower income bracket performers & BTS crew be able to afford it?

Talent Testing Services will add COVID-19 testing to the talent panel – but will lower income bracket performers & BTS crew be able to afford it?

April 25, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

***Update: the newly formed Free Speech Coalition COVID-19 task force has halted this pending TTS testing change (as of 04/27/2020)

PNT commentary: It’s interesting (but good) that Pacheco specifically states that his company encourages BTS (behind the scenes) “crew and other non-performers to test for COVID-19 before working on adult sets”. The questions is, will those of lower income brackets (which predominantly just so happen to be People Of Color) be able to afford this additional $35 testing cost on top of the already pricey bi-monthly STD testing fee of approximately $155?

Just recently performer advocate Lasha Lane (who has recently joined the Free Speech Coalition) stated in an interview that the current testing cost is preventing many within her demographic from participating in the industry…

via Xbiz.com

MIAMI — Talent Testing Service (TTS) head Sixto Pacheco held a teleconference today announcing the company’s labs will formally incorporate COVID-19 testing into their PASS reports of adult industry talent.

Pacheco also said TTS is encouraging crew and other non-performers to test for COVID-19 before working on adult sets.

The extra testing will be priced at an additional $35.

“In terms of TTS, we do see talent that are being tested,” Pacheco said. “Talent are choosing to be tested for COVID — we don’t know if they are shooting or not, that is not something that we ask. If talent come up positive for COVID-19, they are not going to be cleared to work. If they’re negative, they’re negative.”

“Notwithstanding,” Pacheco added, “next week we’re gonna start doing programming in our system and we are gonna add COVID-19 as part of our algorithm, so it will be formally part of our report when we transmit a clear status.”

“To go back into the pool, you’re gonna have two negative results within a period of 24 hours,” he added.

Pacheco said that between May 11 and the week of May 18, “Miami, Northridge, Vegas and Oakland will have the necessary supplies to implement the testing and then we’re gonna roll out with other locations.”

“I know it’s been a very trying 35 or 40 days,” Pacheco told the teleconference audience, a who’s-who of adult industry stakeholders. “I wanted to give you an update of how things are going.”

In a teleconference that began at 11 a.m. (PDT), Pacheco explained that TTS’s parent company, Biocollections Worldwide, through their research facility in Miami, has been developing COVID-19 molecular tests since February 4.

He admitted the initial response to the pandemic, nationwide, had been “a little lackadaisical” and that he did not think it would be as serious as it became.

On March 18, Pacheco said, Biocollections participated in a conference call with the FDA where they received approval to “start testing immediately in response to the growing concern they had with the spike in cases.”

Of 4,000 concerned people who asked for tests from the general public, Sixto said, 18% had tested positive for COVID-19.

Pacheco explained that he is aware that adult talent are currently testing and many of them have asked TTS for COVID-19 tests.

“Talent are coming in,” Pacheco said. “If they’re coming in, we might as well protect them as well as we can.”

“We are gonna test them, and we’re gonna put it [into PASS],” he said.

Michelle LeBlanc, director of the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), which administers the PASS system, expressed concern about how the COVID-19 test would be integrated, particularly in respect to the incubation period.

The current PASS system only tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and accounts for a  two-week incubation period.

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