The newly formed Free Speech Coalition COVID-19 TASK FORCE has opted not to add Coronavirus testing to the performer STD testing panel YET. The voluntary production halt IS STILL IN EFFECT.

The newly formed Free Speech Coalition COVID-19 TASK FORCE has opted not to add Coronavirus testing to the performer STD testing panel YET. The voluntary production halt IS STILL IN EFFECT.

April 28, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE



COVID-19 tests are not effective in guarding against on-set transmission of the coronavirus, and should not be used to determine on-set risk to talent and crew. The production hold called by FSC in March remains in effect until further notice. Regardless of the availability of testing, it is not yet safe to return to work.

As of now, COVID-19 tests only detect whether or not a person has the virus at the time of the test. Someone who initially tests negative for COVID-19 can be exposed to the virus in the hours and days after the test, and subsequently pass it on to scene partners and crew.

While a test can provide confirmation of diagnosis, and help slow the spread of the virus on a societal level, current COVID-19 tests are not useful in determining whether or not it is safe to shoot with a particular partner, or whether it is safe to shoot on a specific set on a specific date.

FSC has formed a COVID-19 Task Force of performers, producers, agents, and staff in order to establish the benchmarks that will determine when production can resume safely. We are working quickly to provide guidance for the industry and will be seeking input from the community as it develops.


Will a COVID-19 test be added to PASS?

Not yet. While COVID-19 tests are useful for personal diagnosis, they are not yet effective for establishing safer sets. Adding the current COVID-19 tests to PASS when the results could become invalid any time after the test would provide a false sense of security for talent and crew. As more becomes known about the incubation period of the coronavirus, and as new tests become faster and more precise, it’s possible that COVID-19 testing could become part of a broader toolkit for prevention, in connection with PASS.

When will sets re-open?

We do not yet have a date for resuming production. FSC has convened a COVID-19 Task Force in order to establish benchmarks to be met, and potential safety protocols to be instituted, before sets can again operate safely. The current production hold is still in effect, in compliance with shelter-in-place orders from regional and national public health agencies.

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