TRPWL Sean sure seems to have it in for Ginger Banks – and her apparent jealousy of Jenny Blighe is likely why

TRPWL Sean sure seems to have it in for Ginger Banks – and her apparent jealousy of Jenny Blighe is likely why

July 2, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Brooklyn Lee (left) – Jenny Blighe (right)

PNT commentary: Our team feels that the situation revolving around Ginger Banks, Jenny Blighe and Stagliano had far more to do with Stags wanting to solidify a relationship (be it professional or personal) with Jenny opposed to Ginger. Jenny is uniquely photogenic and Stags likely had the plan of developing her into a mega star in a similar fashion as he did with Brooklyn Lee (he seems to have an affinity for photogenic red heads).

Ginger seems to be very competitive and appears to require a tremendous amount of attention and validation – which may be why she’s still focused on Stagliano (she likely could sense that Stagliano had a preference for Jenny and became jealous).

At this stage Ginger should likely be careful because TRPWL Sean is very protective of his “friends” who make up the arm of the adult industry Stagliano, Ferrara and Kross belong too. He’s been “in” with them since at least 2011.


NO! I won’t let this go.. This lying cunt bag Ginger has gone out of her way to try and destroy peoples lives, lying every step of the way.. The fact that people like Lainie still support her boggles my mind.

I’m setting this post on auto tweet, it will go out everyday until TRPWL goes away…

This vid isn’t safe for work, but totally worth the watch.

Click here for more posts by TRPWL that revolve around Ginger Banks