Spiegler Girls versus East Coast Talent – agency wars – it appears Mark Spiegler is using Jane Wilde as a pawn against BOTH Ryan Madison & John O’Byrne

Spiegler Girls versus East Coast Talent – agency wars – it appears Mark Spiegler is using Jane Wilde as a pawn against BOTH Ryan Madison & John O’Byrne

July 11, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Pornstar Jane Wilde is one of many alleged victims in the adult film industry claiming that pornographer and studio owner Ryan Madison (of Pornfidelity – husband of Kelli Madison) sexually assaulted her on set.

What’s interesting however about this situation is that the allegations appear (from a certain perspective) to be an indirect attack by agent Mark Spiegler of Spiegler Girls against his competitor John O’Byrne of East Coast Talents. In the past, another enemy of Mark Spiegler known as the founder of Pornwikileaks was extensively documented by writers of TheDailyBeast as well…

Furthermore, the material TheDailyBeast piece about Ryan Madison appears to be sourced from was compiled by the legally charged sex trafficking organized crime gang known as “Kelli Roberts” of The Luxury Companion.

It appears the rape allegations against Ryan Madison of Pornfidelity stem from the sex trafficking gang known as Kelli Roberts of The Luxury Companion and the APAG Union