Attention Nevada & California pornstars & cammodels – BEWARE of Skimask Andy – he is breaking the windshields of performers who have performed in interracial pornography
July 17, 2020
If you are a pornstar, cammodel or even a woman not associated with the adult entertainment industry – please beware of the criminal known as Skimask Andy.
The PNT team wants to make it clear, that with the proper counseling and/or therapy Skimask Andy COULD improve his situation and overall being – but only he can make the decision to make a change for the better.
He claims to be a “professional Youtuber” – but the reality appears to be that he is a leech who seeks out vulnerable women linked to the adult entertainment industry to live off of, manipulate and control.
Don’t let his youthful style of dress fool you. This man is almost 40 years old.
Earlier this month, after essentially living with a retired performer for weeks (and apparently not paying rent), in a fit of violent rage he completely shattered her car windshield with a giant boulder and claimed that he was justified in doing so because years before the retired performer met him she performed in interracial pornography.
It seems that Skimask Andy is a racist, believes in white supremacist ideology and INTERRACIAL PORNOGRAPHY triggers him to become physically violent.
In addition, Skimask Andy (with the help of his gang of criminal online trolls) has launched an online hate campaign against the retired performer he thought would support him financially indefinitely upon learning that she may be pregnant.
Click the link below to view Skimask Andy’s mugshot and criminal history.
It is highly advised that women avoid this man at all costs. It is also advised that agents and managers not book talent they may represent with this violent troublemaker – as he does not appear to utilize condoms with the women he targets.
This is a developing story…look for video podcasts with additional information shortly…