Sinnamon Love is nearly just as much “White” as she is “Black” – but it’s EASIER for her to identify as “Black” due to Black males often having a “fetish” for her fair complexion

Sinnamon Love is nearly just as much “White” as she is “Black” – but it’s EASIER for her to identify as “Black” due to Black males often having a “fetish” for her fair complexion

July 22, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Sinnamon Love – she is just about as much “White” as she is “Black”

PNT commentary: It’s interesting to observe Sinnamon Love’s daily efforts to further her colorist and racist ideology within the adult entertainment industry (and beyond) via the newly formed (and apparently) pro-segregation collective known as BIPOC.

In addition, observing her efforts to deprive current performers of color from the same opportunities to be showcased in the industry that she enjoyed (and that generated earnings which she herself claims fed her children and grandchildren) via content released under the “Interracial” (IR) label is equally disturbing.

The truth is, nearly every element within the adult industry that Sinnamon Love appears to criticize, has in actuality been to her advantage. It’s almost as though she doesn’t love herself…

Truth be told, due to Sinnamon Love’s fair complexion and the vast amount of “privilege” she benefited from when active in the adult industry – she really shouldn’t attempt to speak on behalf of Black women who can’t “pass” as “Latina” or “Other”…

Below are a few of the movies that “fetishized” her appearance… One must question if she realizes that her popularity in the “Black community” (amongst Black males) is primarily due to their “fetish” for fair complexioned women who identify as “Black” (but who are in actuality multi-racial).

Sinnamon Love is multiracial but her entire career was built upon the idea of pushing Black women as a “fetish”

The PNT “collective” does not advise that any human being join BIPOC – as it’s agenda appears to be to harm and promote hate rather than assist in the healing of humanity.