Sean aka TRPWL takes a stand – and anyone making threats of violence towards him will be reported to law enforcement by Alexandra Mayers

Sean aka TRPWL takes a stand – and anyone making threats of violence towards him will be reported to law enforcement by Alexandra Mayers

July 25, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Alexandra Mayers commentary: It’s no secret that I consider Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL to be my greatest enemy – as I’ve made it known both verbally and in written form. Though I’ve never met him in person (at least not to my concrete knowledge – as it IS POSSIBLE that I did cross paths with him once a few years prior to my entering the adult film industry), I’ve taken great issue with him since the year 2011 for a myriad of reasons.

Over the years, through my (mostly) negative interactions with Sean, I’ve gotten to know him and the inner workings of his mind surprisingly well – which is likely why he avoids all interaction with (and even mention of) me today… The fact is, I know Sean a little TOO well and that’s not something he’s comfortable with.

I’m one of the few people on this planet who can justly call him out when he’s wrong – and who justifiably MAY one day have reason to beat the living hell out of him in a Whole Foods parking lot.

With all the above being said, as of late it seems that Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL Is FINALLY legitimately living up to his self assigned title of being “porn’s Top blogger”. Consequently, certain pieces of trash are getting upset about it – because he’s doing such a good job that it’s shining light upon the shit that they are.

Anyone in the adult entertainment industry (or on the fringes) who is upset with Sean at this stage in actuality only needs to be upset with the person that they see in the mirror – because few have done more for the adult entertainment industry as a whole – than he.

Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL is a bad guy. He is without a doubt mean, selfish, has the ability to lie far too easily, and legitimately enjoys being an asshole. Sean is also very loyal to and protective of those he considers his friends and family… and for quite a few years now, Sean has viewed many within the adult film industry to be just that – his friends and his family.

Anyone I hear of or see making threats of physical harm or violence towards Sean Tompkins, I will document and report to law enforcement. Why? Because I can.

Over the years I’ve seen much harm come upon individuals who have documented certain truths about the adult entertainment industry – and as a result I’ve made the decision that as long as I breathe, individuals who have the objective of suppressing the truth of what’s happening in the world of what the adult industry REALLY is, will no longer succeed.

In conclusion – any of you out there who think you can get away with certain things (yes Dawn and Dwight – you are two of the people I’m talking to) had better think again. Sean is NOT your enemy. He is at this stage, an “industry leader” (whether you like it or not) AND he is your friend (if you’re an “adult film industry professional”).

The actual “enemy” to what the adult entertainment industry REALLY IS, is Alexandra Mayers.  Feel free to ask around (in fact ask Sean specifically) as to WHY so many “big shots” are scared to even say my name – and it’s not because I “outed” performer private information (that’s a lie, as I’ve never had access to such information). I’m a very dangerous individual for OTHER reasons…very STRANGE reasons…

Some would go as far as to say that I’m The Devil.

Anyways, have a nice day – and remember to LOVE YOURSELF (even if you hate yourself at the same time – actually I find a bit of self hate to be rather beneficial).