Male sex worker Jessy Jones has allegedly threatened to pay $500 to have someone go after porn blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL

Male sex worker Jessy Jones has allegedly threatened to pay $500 to have someone go after porn blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL

August 18, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: OK – this situation crosses the line from the perspective of the Porn News Today team. What Jessy Jones (and any sex worker who is a public figure) needs to realize is that the moment you consent to having sex on camera, you also consent to be blogged about. Just as you may receive positive press – at times (especially when you act stupid or behave badly) you may receive negative press as well.

Women Beater Jessy Jones Says He’s Gonna Have TRPWL Killed For $500… Seriously, He Said That

Not too long ago the founder of Porn News Today (Alexandra Mayers) made it clear that law enforcement would be made aware of threats of violence made towards Sean Tompkins.  As most familiar with the adult industry “blogosphere” know, Mayers takes major issue with Tompkins on many levels – however she will not turn a blind eye to his life being threatened due to his choice to exercise his First Amendment rights.

This situation will be covered on an upcoming podcast to bring greater awareness to the CULTURE OF VIOLENCE which appears to be on the rise within the American pornography industry.

The white privilege enabled male sex worker known as Jessy Jones needs to think long and hard about exactly who he wants to be in life – and understand that threats of violence against industry professionals cross the line.

As a side note, Lasha Lane of the APAC should be ashamed of herself for feeding into this BS.