one of the primary reasons as to why Skimask Andy broke it off with Bobbi Dylan and her many aliases and alts – $300 untested IR scenes with random men for her clipstore

one of the primary reasons as to why Skimask Andy broke it off with Bobbi Dylan and her many aliases and alts – $300 untested IR scenes with random men for her clipstore

September 6, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Alexandra Mayers commentary: I wasn’t going to make this detail about the abusive and unhealthy relationship Skimask Andy escaped (but that unjustly landed him in jail) public – but considering the woman known as Bobbi Dylan’s near out of control manipulation of a rather naive online community of young men (who are Youtube streamers) that she has the agenda of fleecing monetarily – AND the consistent lies she posts under various alts (such as Just Jenn, NoUFgt and Peace_Love_Comfort) about those who know the truth of who she is – it’s about time ALL the skeletons are pulled from the dark, nasty, disgusting closet that is her life.

I only spoke with Skimask Andy on a couple of occasions prior to his most recent legal issue that’s landed him in jail – but he did disclose to me some extremely disturbing things about his ex known as Bobbi Dylan (who I firmly believe suffers from severe mental illness – so severe in fact that she should likely be institutionalized).

Skimask Andy made it known to me that on several occasions Bobbi physically assaulted him (he never fought back for fear of hurting her – at least not until the very end of their time together when he was attempting to leave her residence). In addition, Bobbi was extremely verbally abusive to him (she told him he should kill himself, that he was worthless, that no one except her would ever want to be with him, etc).

But the most horrific thing (at least in my opinion) when it came to how Bobbi Dylan treated Skimask Andy was how she attempted to bully him into accepting her having unprotected and untested sexual intercourse with men she met either through dating apps or in bars.

Skimask Andy specifically told me that Bobbi’s previous boyfriend thought it was “hot” that she often picked up random men to have sex with – sometimes just for her own pleasure and other times to create content for her online adult clip stores… however being that Skimask Andy is rather “traditional” and “old fashioned” in regards to his romantic relationships (he believes in monogamy) – he wasn’t OK with Bobbi engaging in such behavior…

Skimask Andy said that initially it seemed as though Bobbi was willing to shift her behavior for him. He had the intent of marrying her, purchasing a home with her, attaining a traditional 9-5 job and hopefully have a family with her. However, very quickly he learned that Bobbi was not being honest with him about wanting to settle down…

In fact…her high risk sexual behavior was escalating.

Skimask Andy stated that he found out that Bobbi Dylan was taking requests online for “custom adult content” from men linked to an online “Nazi” community who had a fetish for seeing Jewish women engage in IR threesomes and gangbangs. Though Bobbi keeps her hair an obviously unnatural shade of blonde nowadays – she has an undeniably stereotypical “Jewish” face that renders her quite marketable to men who have Germany WWII era fantasies.

The men in the particular online community mentioned above pool their money together (generally $300 per scene) and pay it to Bobbi – who in turn finds local men who fit the description of “Black thugs” to perform sex acts with on camera. In fact, Skimask Andy felt at the end of their relationship, that a part of the reason Bobbi would accuse HIM of being a “Nazi” when they fought, was in effort to further appeal to this particular online community of men. Bobbi did in fact attempt to get Skimask Andy to perform with her on camera to create adult online content to sell – likely exploiting the “Big bad Nazi takes the innocent Jewish girl” niche.

I asked Skimask Andy if Bobbi was requesting that the men she did scenes with provide her with a current STD test – and he explained that she CLAIMED that somehow she could tell through Instagram whether the men were tested or not (a claim that is completely void of logic and made absolutely no sense to me). I explained to Skimask Andy about how STD testing systems work for both civilians & professional sexworkers – and he made it known to me that Bobbi wasn’t utilizing traditional STD testing networks for the adult CONTONT she was producing.

There are a few more very disturbing situations that occurred between Skimask Andy and Bobbi Dylan, but I don’t feel the need to disclose them at this particular point in time. For now, I simply suggest that any man who elects date the woman known as Bobbi Dylan be very cautious.

Unfortunately it’s the bitches who are rotten to the core like Bobbi Dylan that give sex workers as a whole a bad name…
