Do you have an ON SET ABUSE story? Donald (Donnie) Vollenweider is under investigation and your testimony could help put him in prison.
February 14, 2021To put it mildly, Donald (Donnie) Vollenweider deserves to be struck in the skull by a bolt of lightening…and the only reason he hasn’t died of a natural cause such as that just yet, is likely due to even the lowest levels of Hell not wanting him around.
Over the years the racist piece of trash Donald (Donnie) Vollenweider of D&E media (FacialAbuse, GhettoGaggers & LatinaAbuse) has harmed countless women. In addition he has worked directly with the criminals Ari Scott Bass (of Honey House PR – a man with a long history of physically assaulting & stalking women) & Donny Long aka Donald Carlos Seoane for years to intimidate, defame and attempt to extort various targets. In fact it was Vollenweider (and his nasty lawyer Michael Fattorosi) who was in part behind Pornwikileaks.
As of current a handful of women are speaking out against the criminal ON SET mistreatment they’ve suffered at the hands of D&E media. In addition there are rumors surfacing of Vollenweider dabbling in the production & distribution of videos featuring minors.
If you have a story you would like to share in regards to your horrific experience working for Facial Abuse, GhettoGaggers, Latina Abuse and/or Radical Jizzlam now is the time to come forward and contact mainstream independent journalist Paul Mulholland (@Paulisconi on Twitter).
Whether it be via legal channels, or something else – the morbidly obese, near destitute loser (who is likely the result of a failed abortion) Vollenweider is being erased from the equation permanently.
Shut Down Abuse Porn – Donald Vollenweider information
Facial Abused – Donald Vollenweider documentation
It is important to note that D&E media (Donald Vollenweider) DOES NOT have 2257 paperwork filed (as it doesn’t exist) for certain individuals his company advertises as having adult content of. Some of these individuals are private citizens who may have been minors at the time Vollenweider claims to have filmed them.