Avoid Las Vegas street sex worker Bobbi Dylan aka Jennifer Katz – she’s lying about the adult industry & is physically assaulting young women

Avoid Las Vegas street sex worker Bobbi Dylan aka Jennifer Katz – she’s lying about the adult industry & is physically assaulting young women

April 23, 2021 Off By PNTLIVE

Avoid Las Vegas sexworker Bobbi Dylan aka Jennifer Katz – she’s mentally ill and a danger to anyone she encounters. As of current she is experiencing intense regret in regards to the type of legal adult scenes she participated in along with her recent actions within the IRL community…

Rather than taking accountability for her life decisions she’s intent on blaming everyone else she encounters…BEWARE!






Bobbi Dylan claims on an alt-right podcast that the pornography industry is controlled by Canadians & Muslims rather than Jewish people.

Jennifer Katz aka Bobbi Dylan is desperate to have the video below removed from social media – it illustrates her hate for individuals who follow the Christian faith, documents her history of lying and outlines her apparent relationship with (and knowledge of) lawyer Marc Randazza.