pornstar Lonna Wells believes Alana Evans of the APAG union is one of the people who pushed Dakota Skye to suicide
June 13, 2021 Off By PNTLIVE
PNT commentary: It appears that pornstar Lonna Wells believes that the recently deceased pornstar Dakota Skye (who’s cause of death is rumored as being an OverDose) in actuality committed suicide – and that one of the parties who pushed Dakota to suicide (via social media bullying) is Alana Evans of the APAG Union.
Over the years, Alana has indeed aggressively targeted and bullied several women within (and linked to) the adult entertainment industry…3 names that immediately come to mind are Kacey Jordan, Melissa Hill and Shelley Lubben (an ex pornstar and women’s activist who in 2019 was found dead in a mobile home – just as Dakota Skye was).
Sometimes in life you’ll find that certain individuals are simply bad people – and from the perspective of PornNewsToday, Alana Evans is simply just that – a very bad person. The only reason Alana Evans is the “President” of the APAG Union is due to no one else wanting the position… and the best way to deal with Alana Evans aka Dawn is simply not to deal with her in the first place.